Zone 4 is the most NorthWest area for the circle covering West of John Young Parkway and North of 17. Habitat for this zone includes meadow areas near the Kissimmee Airport and Cypress and Oak thickets along Shingle Creek. Wilson's Snipe, Eastern Screech Owl and Painted Bunting have been recorded in Zone 4.
eBird hotspots for Zone 4 include:
Kissimmee Airport Bicycle Trail
Shingle Creek Regional Park--Steffee Nature Trail
From Chris: "Areas to cover: Shingle Creek Playground and trails off of Bass Rd, Shingle Creek Steffe Landing (part of this park is in the circle), Bike Path and retention pond across from Airport off of Hoagland, Kissimmee Airport, Off of Poinciana field between Declaration Dr, and Cumbrian Lake Dr."
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